Would you eat a blue pizza? How colour influences decisions

Would you eat a blue pizza?

Would you hire someone who came to an interview dressed inflorescent yellow and green? (I would :))

Would you eat a salad if the leaves were brown?

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Thanks :Lizzy CG for the image

… So this is just a small example of how nearly every decision you make is significantly influenced by colour. You judge things based on colour.

So, how can colour possibly influence my performance?

It influences it exactly the same way as the questions above… through the subconscious mind.

Through you and others making decisions based on judgments you have learnt through colour. This is why everyone should learn how to speak in colour!!!!

What if colour could influence your next promotion, your energy levels, or your self confidence?

Start with some basic colour questions

  1. What colours do you love?
  2. Hate?
  3. Wear?
  4. Do you even notice your thoughts around colour?

And if you say no, then think again.

I invite you to imagine just for a few seconds how you judge everything you experience based on colour.

What lunch looks like,

What colour car you drive,

What your first impression is of a new colleague.

Colour plays a significant part of that. Would you approach a fluorescent octopus?

Colour has such powerful messages yet it all goes under the radar…. until now.

So here are your 3 colour tips for today.

3 tips to help you help yourself.

3 tips to help you perform better,

but also to help others feel that you perform better.

You see the subconscious mind and colour mean that colour is actually telling others about you, about who you are and what you want.

You can support yourself.

You can provide a subconscious message with every choice of clothing you put on

Others receive subconscious judgements and decisions about you – based on colour:

“Help me perform better”.

“Help others feel I perform better”:

Here are some basic ‘performance focused colours’

1: Orange – supports performance with a message that you are motivated and have a good attitude

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2: Blue – Supports your performance as it tells people you are determine and reliable

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3: Purple – Supports performance as it sends the message that you are wise and that you have experience

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You know true wellbeing doesn’t need to be hard work.

It need not be giving up fun stuff.

Wellbeing is supposed to help you feel how you want to feel.

You can achieve this in so many ways…

Colour is one of our most surprising and enlightening ways to feel how you want to feel … fun should be at the heart of self improvement.

In the words of the incredible Swiss psychologist Carl Jung

‘Colour is the mother tongue of the subconscious’

Enjoy, have a colourful day and please let me know if you would like more newsletters on colour.

Sara Valentine – Wellbeing made positive (www.wellbeingevents.ch)

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