Colour is a power that directly influences the soul -Artist Kandinsky

OUTSIDE & <span &

Look amazing. Feel amazing.


Welcome to this special place where I invite you to imagine how you want to look. How you wish to feel.

Please know that it IS possible. It just requires your permission first.

See your best self every day 

1: OUTSIDE –  Empower your confidence and self-expression through discovering how colour supports how you feel, how you look and how others communicate with you. 

Did you know that your eyes, skin tone and hair change which shade of each colour you look your best in? Not all whites or beige look good on you. Let’s discover your best colours.

2: INSIDE – You deserve to feel as good as you want to look. Learn how you can naturally lose weight, increase your energy levels and learn tips and fast track inspiration through Nutrition and lifestyle support. 

Did you know that weight loss and stress are closely related? When you inspire positive changes to your metabolism, your stress and your energy, weight loss becomes a natural positive side effect of all the other health goals you have. 

Feel as good as you want to look with a 6 month Inside & Outside Look better / Feel better complete transformation programme.


Looks or health?

I am inviting you into your true greatness. 

No more ‘good enough’s’. 

Do you often think ‘I don’t really like my style…but its good enough’?

Do you find that your weight is creeping up and you don’t know what to do?

And do you TRULY feel this is what you deserve?Well I don’t agree. 

As a nutritionist (since 2009) and a colour and style professional since 2019 I am here to help you invest in YOU. Let’s do this together. It would be my honor

Save the polluted planet, and go shopping

80% of women, only wear 20% of their wardrobe

Imagine the environmental impact of less clothes landfill, knowing you look your best every single day and you wear ALL your clothes.

Colour analysis means fashion fads don’t matter because you know what suits you and how colour makes you feel. Learn to express you forever more. 

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I invite you to make today about you

Our Services

Individuals, Team or Groups. You are invited to into your greatness with Colour and Vitality. 

Colour Analysis so you walk taller, feeling brighter.

Design how you Feel Inside with your inner health and vitality, inspired through the love of food and learning to feel amazing without restriction.

Empower your goals through knowing the emotions and power behind colour with Colour-code

Colour Analysis

You should be the star of the show not your clothes. Find out how colour highlights all you deserve to be.


Colour-code supports your emotions in a fun way by understanding the emotional meaning behind colour.

Health & Vitality

Inside, I guide women to effortless weight management, boundless energy, and a joyful relationship with food, empowering you to thrive regardless of your busy lifestyle.

Inside/Outside cocktail

The complete experience includes all three services: Colour-analysis, Health & Vitality and Colour-code
How it works

Easy steps to a bright future

Steps to discovering how colour and vitality is truly an expression of you.


Choose your experience

OUTSIDE – Colour Analysis

INSIDE – Health & Vitality

EMPOWER – Colour Code                                        


Colour studio services

Which experience do you want to start with? 

OUTSIDE with Colour,

INSIDE with Health & Vitality. It’s up to you. 


Book a service or give me a call

Clicking the link below to book or contact me via WhatsApp +41 79 127 61 65.

Upcoming events

Like a good cocktail we believe good events have the following ingredients regardless of the topic:






In our events you can discover;

  1.  Which colours suit you best and why
  2. Amazing Neutrals to invest in
  3. Colour and how you feel
  4. Colour and your health
  5. Clothes Swaps and wardrobes
  6. Meeting other image and health experts

Blending fun with purpose in all that we do.

If you want an event with a colour theme please suggest the theme to inspire the next event idea. 

Any topic that is about ‘you’. 

Inside – colour-code, or health tips 

Outside – colour analysis and tones to boost and build your imageW

Classy Clothes swaps 2024

Bubbles and Swap Sip bubbles, meet ladies, swap your amazing clothes (that you never wear) and upgrade your wardrobe with new pre-loved clothes of others. Included is colour tips. Advice on which clothes to choose Boutique style fun. At randoms times in the year I will run these in Lausanne, Switzerland. If you are keen please get in contact

My Story

A snippet of me

I’m all about the ínside outside approach to everything in life. There is no point in looking amazing if you feel rubbish. And if you feel amazing you deserve to look amazing too!

You need the inside-outside loop. 

I started my career in fashion, looped into inner  health and nutrition. But I realised neither was better than the other in isolation. We all need the outside AND inside.

In fashion I was lucky to dress many people including Yoko Ono.

In health I graduated as a Nutritionist from the renoun ION in London back in 2009. After which we moved to Singapore.  I see food not just a function. Food is a relationship . As well as working for corporate events, private clients of all shapes and sizes, I have also designed nutrition and wellbeing for private clubs and  TV programmes.

In mindset I had the grace of learning directly from the worlds leader in ‘human potential’; Bob Proctor, Since 2013 I have been an NLP coach.

 Give yourself permission to shine and I can help you strike the match!

We believe in giving back and supporting people

We care for people... join us with purpose.

Purposeful wardrobes go beyond just yourself. Purpose connects you to positively impacting others too. Every women deserves to shine regardless of their circumstance. Expression is everyones human right. 

We donate our time and your unwanted clothes to providing free events that empower immigrants, refugees and women’s futures. Regardless of income, every person deserves the freedom to express themselves through style. When we feel more confident new doors open.  Interested Charities and groups click below 

Today is about you.

Step out your door every single day to express yourself without words. 

“I found I could say things with colour and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way – things I had no words for”.

– Artist Georgia O’keeffe

Discover services

Colour Expressions

Outside and Inside; both are of equal importance. 

Colour Analysis

2 meetings; 1experience
Studio/ or mobile Studio.
Which colours bring out your best-self.
Have fun with colour combinations, discover glasses frames colours, and more.


Learn which colours empower you toward your goals.

Understand how colour can be a language you can wear to support you.

And health also has a colour code. I believe in making health both fun, easy and achievable (even in a cocktail). Reserve 1 hour.

Because you have permission to shine

Just like clothes ‘done well’, life happens in layers. Today I invite you into creating layers of positive expression.

Your own ‘Colour and expression Studio’ experience is simply for you to give yourself permission to do something for yourself! 

Inside your time there are layers of opportunity from colours, to make-up tips (even if you’re not a makeup ‘gal’), to wardrobe tips and even empowerment tools to support your goals.

Most of all for it to be fun.

Kind comments

Peoples kind comments

I absolutely enjoyed working with Sara! The way she approaches the world of color is unique! I felt like a lady again, inspired to shake the routine a bit and go for brighter tones, and all the lovely shades of blue! After a long time, the girl in me was revived.

Vesna Rajnoha Switzerland

So much more than color. Sara’s warm authentic and presence makes you feel at ease to enjoy this special treat. Seeing myself already as someone who tries to wear many colors I was surprised how several colors I wouldn’t choose myself actually really making me shine.

Lise Van-Passel Switzerland

I had the pleasure of working with Sara. I was delighted to be able to entrust the nutritional component of a body-transformation programme deployed on Fit for Fashion™, a Asia TV reality show which reached over 6 million people.

Simon Flint Singapore

I couldn't believe the colours that suited me. It was such a surprise but once I saw them under my face it made such a big difference. For once I did something that truly impacts me for the rest of my life and something fun.

Alicia Plaza Baos Switzerland

Sara Valentine m'a accueillie avec beaucoup de générosité dans son lumineux espace de travail. Elle a vraiment consacré du temps pour me conseiller avec professionnalisme, finesse et ouverture, sur les couleurs qui me mettent en valeur. Ce moment de partage m'a donné l'impulsion pour m'affirmer davantage dans mes choix de vêtements. Merci beaucoup, Sara !

Anne- Romaine Designation

A session with Sara is not just an experience to discover more about colours, but a shot of positivity and good laughs. I had fun while learning a bit more about how colours can change the way my face is perceived and i left with lots to think about.

Sabrina Designation

Alliances, companies and professional experience .